Add Your City To Linux's List of Time Zones | Linux Journal
Add Your City To Linux's List of Time Zones
January 28th, 2009 by Mitch Frazier in
Ever feel like you're Rodney Dangerfield? You live someplace and Linux shows you no respect, time-zone-wise that is. What I mean is that you live somewhere that's not one of the time-zones that comes predefined with Linux. If that sounds like you, then read on and get Linux to show you a little respect.
Let's say for instance that we want to add Seattle, WA (the birthplace of Linux Journal) to the list of time-zones that Linux knows about. First, look in the list of predefined time-zones for a city that's in the the same time-zone as the city you want to add, in this case Los Angeles. Then as root do the following:
$ cd /usr/share/zoneinfo
$ cp America/Los_Angeles America/Seattle
This will make the new "Seattle" time-zone use the same time-zone data as "Los Angeles" uses. Note: if /usr/share/zoneinfo doesn't exist try /usr/lib/zoneinfo.
Now edit the file /usr/share/zoneinfo/ and find the line for the time-zone that you copied, in this case "Los Angeles":
US +340308-1181434 America/Los_Angeles Pacific Time
Duplicate that line and change the old time-zone name to the new one:
US +473622-1221955 America/Seattle Pacific Time
The numbers are the latitude and longitude of the city in the form +/-DDMM+/-DDDMM or +/-DDMMSS+/-DDDMMSS (D=Degrees, M=Minutes, S=Seconds). You can find that information on the web, for example at infoplease.
Now, logout and log back in and you should see your new time-zone in the list of available time-zones. The screenshot below shows it added to the list of time-zones that are displayed when I hover the mouse over the KDE clock.
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