Thursday, April 30, 2009


Install - full drive. First of all, I like my operating system fast. I don't not enble Visual Effects or run proprietory ATI driver on my T60 notebook. I like high resolution, so no need to adjust video settings on my notebook.

Setup network - wifi

Install updates. 367 updates at this point.

Reboot to new kernel...

Install usable applications you can't live without...

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nmap
sudo apt-get install bluefish
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

You will need these below if you want to build from source or build .deb packages...

sudo apt-get install build-essential cdbs fakeroot dh-make debhelper debconf libstdc++5 dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r)

note: that's all one line...

Furthermore, I have tried many themes to change the look of my desktop and found out that the default Ubuntu Human theme to be my preference. Sometimes it doesn't exactly match my background, but everything functions as it should. When (if ever) someone makes a better theme, I will try it. Else, it's my view that the original anything is usually the best. Many hours goes into creating distros and I let the developers (or should I say artist) decide such trivial stuff.

I will edit and add to this file as time goes by.

What brought me there today?

After installing a few applications not in the Ubuntu repositories, namely wicd, my gnome-system-tools was foobared. A friend of mine gave me a copy of Jaunty Jackalope and I was also eager to try it out so I wipped the drive and installed. A few system tool change and cosmetic changes along with the fact that it has no LTS or Long Term Support, after a day I reinstalled Hardy Heron.

To date, with perhaps the exception of an earlier version of Tubo Linux, I think Hardy is the best distro release ever!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Firefox Addon: termBlaster


termBlaster adds the ability to perform searches from your right-click (or context) menu using one of 110+ websites that range from search engines to encyclopedias to translators. Website lists are in XML format and can be modified in your Bookmarks Organizer.

termBlaster adds the ability to perform searches from your right-click (or context) menu using one of 110+ websites that range from search engines to encyclopedias to translators. Website lists are in XML format and can be modified in your Bookmarks Organizer.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Moneydance for Linux

If you are looking for a replacement for Quicken, try Moneydance.  Although not free software, this finance manager is actually faster than Quicken!


two cows? tucows? tuucows? 2 cows?

tucows has a nice new interface (or at least since I last visited).

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Brendan's On-Line Anagram Generator

Another cool online tool.  Looking for a unique domain or nick name?  Type in a name or phrase and get a list of words/phrases created with those letters.

Try It!