Monday, May 18, 2009

slashexec and pidgin plugins

The SlashExec plugin provides a command line interpreter for Gaim, much like XChat, Irssi, BitchX, and other IRC clients do.

On UNIX-like platforms (Linux, *BSD, etc.), the command you give to /exec will be executed with your user account's shell. For example, if you type

/exec ls -1R | sed 's/ /\\ /'
into a Gaim conversation and if your shell is /bin/bash, SlashExec will execute
/bin/bash -c "ls -1R | sed 's/ /\\ /'"
On Windows systems, however, commands will be executed with "cmd.exe /c". This means that Windows ME users will be unable to use /exec. Pipes may or may not work.

As the above example indicates, piped command lines will work if your
shell supports them; this is a major change from the previous releases
of SlashExec, which were separate from the Plugin Pack.

Adding the -o flag to /exec causes SlashExec to send the output to the conversation (i.e. the buddy or chat receives the output). For example, /exec -o ls -1R | sed 's/ /\\ /' will cause the output to be sent.

Note that the plugin ID has changed since incorporating SlashExec into the plugin pack, which means you will need to unload or remove previous releases of SlashExec before attempting to use the current version.

Bangexec features

As many Gaim users recall, there used to be a plugin for Gaim 1.0.0 to Gaim 1.5.1dev called bangexec.

Since that plugin's author no longer has the time to maintain his
plugin, we have absorbed its features into SlashExec. You can do the

  • !command - executes command, sends the output to the conversation (i.e. the buddy or chat receives the output), and displays it locally.
  • !!command - executes command and displays the output locally only.
  • !!!command - sends the literal text !command to the conversation (i.e. the buddy or chat receives the output).

Both the /exec and !command functions are optional.

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